Digital solutions have without a doubt improved both the quality and the quantity of data collected in clinical trials. The positive impact that eClinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA) has had on the success of clinical trials is no longer disputed, and this is in addition to increasing preference among end-users for digital data reporting. The annual eCOA adoption growth rate has been reported to be 16%, yet less than 25% of all possible studies incorporate eCOA, primarily due to misperceptions of the risk factors associated with implementing eCOA and eCOA back-up solutions.
Contrary to popular belief, e-devices are rarely damaged; they seldom need replacing. And unlike paper, the volume and quality of digital data collection are significantly higher, thereby adding value to the study. Given the wide use of digital technologies in society today, apprehension about implementing eCOA and creating an eCOA back-up plan is unwarranted.
Rather, with the choice of eCOA back-up solutions now available, implementing an eCOA back-up plan that safeguards, as well as optimizing data collection, has become a streamlined process readily adaptable to the specifics of any project.
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Learn more about the challenges of back-up solutions in eCOA studies