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eCOA set-up #whitepaper

19 November 2020

How to anticipate eCOA complexities and ensure a successful launch?

Setting up a study with eCOA should be straight forward: choose a questionnaire, program it, test it, and start the study. Unfortunately, complexities can crop up and without proper preparation, communication, and sharing of experience, these complexities can make getting the eCOA portion of a study up and running a headache.

In order to cover all of these topics, we brought together a working group to discuss various factors (experience sharing, identification of hidden complications, and User Acceptance Testing) that can contribute to reducing the complexity and risk when implementing an eCOA strategy.

This session was hosted by Audrey Chanet, Project Manager Lead at Kayentis.

We warmly thank all the participants for their active contribution to this session.



  • The study set-up experience varies across stakeholders and the complexities are not perceived in the same way by all users
    eCOA set-up is undoubtedly complex, but where do the complexities lie?
    When it comes to User Acceptance Testing (uat) process: who is responsible for testing and why?


Click on the image below to read the full white paper!

To download the eCOA set-up white paper:

[tag url=”https://kayentis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ecoa_setup_kayentis_white_paper_november_2020.pdf”]


Discover the eCOA complexities white papers:

How to anticipate eCOA complexities in multi-year studies & develop best practice to support sites

Coming soon:

No longer the “what if” situation: today’s reality and eCOA back-up strategies: how to make sure they are adapted?

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