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Our corporate

Social Responsibility approach

Because we want to make a difference!

We are committed to our responsibility for the environment
and to giving back to our community.

We care
about the planet

At Kayentis, we are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our internal operations, and to accurately measuring and reducing the carbon emissions of every project we conduct.

We foster
well-being at work

We are convinced our employees are the reason for our success. We promote their professional and personal development and ensure their well-being, health and security.

We respect people
and encourage diversity

Diversity is a success factor at Kayentis. We foster the differences between people to make them advantages and respect individuals by supporting their human rights.

We value
our community

It’s important to us to make a positive impact not just through our work, but also in our local community. We do this by supporting local organizations, and encouraging our employees to volunteer.

We are engaged in
carbon-neutral clinical trials

We stand at the forefront of eco-conscious medical research by actively pursuing carbon-neutral clinical trials. Our commitment is twofold: we minimize carbon emissions through innovative practices and strive for a net-zero carbon footprint.

  • We offer our clients a suite of eco-friendly options, including the use of webCOA backup systems, refurbished devices, and travel reduction
  • Furthermore, we proudly support the GoodPlanet Foundation’s initiatives, which are instrumental in removing CO2 from the atmosphere and preventing These initiatives range from tree planting to promoting the use of solar cookers over kerosene, all contributing to a healthier planet.

Join us in our journey towards sustainable healthcare, where every trial conducted brings us a step closer.

We support the United Nations Global Compact

Since February 2023, we have been part of the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible business practices in alignment with universal principles on:

Human rights

We commit to making the UN Global Compact and its principles an integral part of our business strategy, day-to-day operations and organizational culture. This initiative is part of our commitment to being a responsible company.

We promote responsible and sustainable actions internally

Each day, we are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable actions within our company.
Discover our initiatives aimed at enhancing our social and environmental impact while strengthening our commitment to our employees and community.

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