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Connect your clinical systems with our interoperable eCOA solution

Integrate your relevant clinical systems with our flexible and interoperable Clin’form eCOA solution, choosing the level of integration that best suits user needs and project requirements.

  • Improved patient & site experience
  • Facilitated sponsor data capture & analysis
  • Enhanced data quality

Embrace simplicity with a unified device strategy

Our Clin’form eCOA solution allows for the hosting of your clinical study applications on a single device.
With Kayentis-provisioned devices, you can consolidate multiple systems into one streamlined strategy.

For an even more integrated and seamless user experience, we offer:

Minimize site burden and enhance data quality by eliminating duplicate data entry

Our Clin’form eCOA solution seamlessly integrates with your IRT or eConsent systems to streamline patient data management.

Clin’form is designed to both receive and transmit data to external systems, enabling:

Learn more about our interoperability capabilities

Improve your eCOA data collection and clinical trial efficiency thanks to Kayentis and ClinOne combined solution! Ease the patient

Benefit from the alliance between Kayentis and ClinOne and access to a complete range of capabilities in a powerful,

The Clin’form eCOA solution is ready for integration with any IRT system: benefit from our open eCOA platform to